well, i can no longer get on the internet at home, something is wrong with my laptop’s wireless thingie. I can use dad’s computer, though, but I hate being cooped up in the computer room.
I suppose it’s a blessing – keeps me working.
Endor Leia – finished sewing the pleated section on the base helmet – donut is finished, except for adding the bill. Tonight I’m hoping to finish my poncho, and this weekend, my new belt. I got the stripes back on my pants, and, as fate would have it, found my original shirt. I told you, as soon as I ordered a new one, I found the old one. Oh well. Anyway, I need to reattach that, and she’s done.
WW – Chase made the mold of the helmet the other night. it looks cool :B
Doll Leia – I’m holding off on it. I want to finish the more important stuff first, I’ll get back to it later.
Marasiah – still where it was last week.
Chase’s Jango – almost done with the suit
Chase’s Han – I took off the bloodstripes I had partially sewn onto the pants and started over. whee.
Funeral Padme – I started on the cloak again – it’s looking great, I’m very happy this time. Of course, my hands are blue again, but whatever.
Boushh – Chase repainted the helmet. Looks great. I finally started on the pants – mum helped me cut them out because I didn’t want to screw up the leather and cut it out wrong again like I did WW. I love the pants for this costume, since I was a kid they have always intrigued me.
Goals for tonight:
-Work on Padme cape.
-Finish Endor Poncho
-Work on Boushh boot covers again, pants
-Work on Padme cape
-Finish boushh boot covers pants
-Finish tunic mockup